English Proficiency

Harness the power of proficiency with our English Proficiency tab. Find resources to prepare for the Duolingo English Test (DET), discover the benefits of English proficiency, and strategize for success. Start your journey towards mastering English and acing the DET today.

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Future of Testing

Embrace the cutting-edge advancements in digital testing that are revolutionizing the way we assess knowledge, and discover how modern technology makes testing more convenient, accurate, secure, and responsible, tailored to the 21st-century student and educator.

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Global Perspectives

Immerse yourself in stories from test-takers, admissions officers, and assessment researchers worldwide. Understand their unique experiences, challenges, and triumphs to gain a human-centric view of high-stakes testing.

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Higher Ed Insights

Explore the changing landscape of higher education, get a glimpse into the latest trends, and understand the challenges and opportunities facing today's global student community.

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